Monday, August 01, 2005

I bet you came here seeking amusement

I've been around the blogosphere and back this weekend and have found nothing that draws my ire, no topic that inspires words. It's a first.

It also makes for an awkward "dead air" moment for a blog. On better blogs, this is the calm before the storm, that pregnant pause before lowering the dramatic boom on some institution of evil. Like William Shatner and his "pause acting." It is Shatner blogging. Hugh Hewitt, Phillip Johnson, and a handful of politicos are masters of this technique.

Not this blog. The awkward silence just means I'm currently out of ideas and opinions. I'm just going to assume this is God's way of telling me to put the blogs away and get to work. It is Monday and that means I'm on deadline. There's a newspaper to fill up with words and stuff.

In case you really need that off-beat (and a bit dangerous) opinion fix, here's another man's take on Stupid People. Makes me wonder who is lurking in the background of this blog and what kind of evil I might be inciting with my words ... (Stephan, the whole take on sausage today was particularly funny).

UPDATE: I forgot to add to pay close attention to bald man with the goatee in the comic I linked to in the above paragraph.

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